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Emperor Frederick III and Archduke Maximilian 1485/86: Reunion – Election as King – Journey to the Netherlands

Birgit Lodes

About the long-awaited and very carefully prepared coronation by Maximilian and his court, we are well informed through the chronicle of the Burgundian court secretary Jean Molinet. It eventually became one of the most splendid moments in Maximilian’s life. As early as autumn 1485, the highly elaborate travel preparations began.[9]

Maximilian hatte seinen Vater, Kaiser Friedrich III., seit seinem Weggang in die Niederlande, also seit acht Jahren, nicht mehr gesehen. Die seitdem erste Begegnung der beiden Herrscher und ihrer Kapellen fand in Aachen statt: Maximilian traf dort am 12. Dezember, Friedrich III. am 22. Dezember 1485 ein. Man feierte das Weihnachtsfest mit mehreren Messen im Aachener Mariendom und besichtigte die Heiligtümer der Kirche.[10]


Abb. Das Münster von Aachen

Abb. Das Münster von Aachen

Architekturskizze des Aachener Münsters von Albrecht Dürer aus dem sogenannten Silberstiftskizzenbuch, das während seiner Reise in die Niederlande entstand. Dürer erlebte in Aachen am 23. Oktober 1520 die Königskrönung Karls V.

(British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings. © Wikimedia Commons.)


With Aachen Cathedral (» Abb. Das Münster von Aachen) a spiritually and politically highly significant place was chosen for the orchestrated reunion. The cathedral was, on the one hand, one of the largest pilgrimage centers of the time: Among the prominent relics were the dress that Mary allegedly wore at Christ’s birth and the baby Jesus’s swaddling clothes.[11] The Lied Hilf, Frau von Ach (» Abb. Hilf, Frau von Ach), which belongs to the repertoire of Maximilian’s court chapel,[12] sreflects this context: The “poor sinner” here calls upon the Holy Mother of God of Aachen (“Ach”). The homorhythmic declamation of all voices at the end, “Show me grace || and accept my plea || Lady, through your seven sorrows,” recalls similar poignant musical gestures in other songs from contemporary devotional practice, such as Maria zart (» Hörbsp. ♫ Maria zart).



Moreover, the cathedral, built under Charlemagne, was the traditional site of royal coronations in the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, the meeting place was deeply symbolic: Only recently (around October/November 1485) had Emperor Frederick III, in light of the precarious political situation in the empire, decided to help his son Maximilian achieve royal dignity during his lifetime—a goal Maximilian himself had pursued for years.[13]

Epiphany (January 6, Three Kings’ Day) was symbolically celebrated in Cologne, the site of veneration of the relics of the Three Wise Men. On February 16, 1486, Maximilian was finally elected king by the electors at the Reichstag in Frankfurt, simultaneously confirming him as the intended successor to the emperorship; the symbolic altar installation followed.[14]

After Easter, the entourage traveled back to Aachen, where an exceptionally splendid Adventus (entry into the city) was staged. Besides the group of clergy and Aachen citizens with their “Ach horns,” trumpeters and drummers accompanied the relic of Charlemagne, carried under a canopy.[15] The solemn coronation ceremony in Aachen Cathedral or the palatine chapel of Emperor Charlemagne took place on April 9, 1486; the following day, the relics were shown to Maximilian and Frederick there—again, as already at Christmas 1485.[16]

However, the months-long festive ceremonies, receptions, and elaborately designed religious celebrations still had no end. From July 20 to October 16, 1486, the freshly crowned King Maximilian traveled with his father and son, Archduke Philip, along with their three courts (and probably the chapels) at Maximilian’s expense through the Dutch cities and provinces. They spent extended periods in Leuven, Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges (August 1–13), where they received a triumphant welcome;[17] further stays in Lille and Antwerp followed (after several short separations, as Maximilian had to go to the southern war zone). The presence of the emperor significantly enhanced Maximilian’s prestige in the Netherlands and served as a show of strength against the war opponent, France.[18] The costs for the highly elaborate coronation journey, which lasted almost a year in total, were immense.

[9] See the descriptions in Molinet 1935–1937, vol. 1, 469–471; see Cuyler 1973, 32–35.

[10] Molinet 1935–1937,  vol. 1, 474.

[11] Scholten 1993.

[12] he song is transmitted in two contemporary sources, both reflecting the repertoire from Maximilian’s court (» B. Lieder 1450–1520, Kap. Aufschwung der Liedkunst unter Maximilian I.» B. Lieder 1450–1520, Kap. Liederdrucke): in » D-As Cod. 2° 142a (fol. 69v–70r; the tenor incipit of the otherwise textless notation reads „hilff fraw von Ach“) and in the songbook » Aus sonderer künstlicher art… (Augsburg: Erhard Oeglin 1512), where the song follows the Marian hymn Dich mütter gottes rüff wir an in second place.

[13] Wolf 2005, 98–102. For this, Frederick moved the Reichstag originally planned for December 1485 in Würzburg to January in Frankfurt am Main.

[14] For details on Maximilian’s election as king, see Wolf 2005, 100–122, esp. 115 f. During the ceremony of the altar installation, the newly elected king was indeed placed on the altar, the throne of Christ; for detailed information, see Bojcov 2007, 243–314: „Die Altarsetzung […] war Teil der Wahlprozedur und war am besten dazu geeignet, einen aus dem Kreis der mehr oder weniger Gleichen auszusondern und über sie [zu] erheben.“ (Bojcov 2007, 292).

[15] See Schenk 2003, 307–313, 336–338; see also » D. Fürsten und Diplomaten auf Reisen.

[16] Molinet 1935–1937, vol. 1, 474 und 511. – The Aachen pilgrimage of relics usually took place every seven years.

[17] Custis 1765, 68 f.; see also Wolf 2005, 191–200.

[18] Wolf 2005, 197.