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Musical Life interactive map


357 results

The interactive map visualises hierarchical information on selected locations. These entries can be filtered and searched using the categories indicated on the right. A lot of information on the individual places can also be found in the various full text searches: You can search for these in all texts in the „Main themes”, for illustrations and music examples in the “Media gallery” and in the audios. A separate map on Vienna is in preparation.

Your results

357 results
St. Lambrecht (Benediktinerstift), Österreich
Regensburg, Deutschland
Hainburg (NÖ), Österreich
Notenbsp. Resonet in laudibus
Moosburg an der Isar, Deutschland
Abb. Puer natus est nobis
Neustift/Novacella (BZ), Italien
Abb. Kirchweihprozession
Geras (Prämonstratenserstift), Österreich
Abb. Engel beim Kirchenbau
Heiligenkreuz (Zisterzienserstift), Österreich