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The survival of Hofhaimer’s reputation

Grantley McDonald

Hofhaimer’s reputation of course survived for centuries, although it is questionable whether he would have enjoyed all its later manifestations. The 19th-century plaque on his Salzburg dwelling (» Abb. Hofhaimers Gedenktafel) suggests a connection between “Gedechtnus” and place, which is already envisaged in the very idea of the epitaph: the famous man is best remembered in the place where he actually is (or was). Thus the visitor to Salzburg who stands in front of the musician’s former house in the Pfeifergasse is in reality paying respect to a place of life – and death.


Abb. Hofhaimers Gedenktafel

Abb. Hofhaimers Gedenktafel

Wohn- und Sterbehaus von Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537) in Salzburg, Pfeifergasse 18. Ge­denk­tafel aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. (Foto: R. Strohm)