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Musicians for dance music

Helen Coffey

While these accounts give no information about the instrumentalists who provided the music for the dancing, it would seem that piper and drummer duos (» Instrumentenmuseum. Einhandflöte & Trommel) were commonly employed for this purpose at Maximilian’s court. In 1491, for example, a piper and a drummer, Hans and Matheus, received payment “als sy die vergangen vassnacht zu Hof zu Tanz gemacht haben.“[38] (for performing for the dance at court the previous Shrovetide) and the following year the same piper (named as “Hans Hertlin”) was rewarded “das er die vassnacht gehofirt hat”[39] (for performing for Shrovetide). A similar payment to both piper and drummer followed in 1493 “von wegen des Tanzmachens in vergangner Vasnacht” (for the dance the previous Shrovetide) and in 1496, Conrad, a piper, and “Härtly”, a drummer, were paid “von wegen etlicher Zeit, so sy bei Hof Tanz gemacht haben” (for having made dance at court several times).[40]  Several of these performances would have accompanied Shrovetide (“Vasnacht”) mummeries rather than social dancing (see » Abb. A courtly Vasnacht dance). Other musicians were certainly involved in the 1493-4 revels held for Bianca Maria: on 29 December, Sigmund and Katharina honoured their guest with a grand banquet, although the Archduke himself was not present. The first of nineteen courses was announced to the sound of trumpets, and musicians of the court continued to perform during the meal, including “a female dwarf, who had a fine soprano voice”.[41]