Church music at St Jacob’s
Like Collenuccio a few years earlier, Lalaing was impressed by the organ he heard played in St Jacob’s church in the town. The nobleman wrote in his journal that “L’église parochiale de la ville a unes orghes, les plus belles et les plus exquises que jamais je véy. Il n’est instrument du monde quy n’y joue: car ils sont tous là-dedens compris, et coustèrent plus de dix milles francs au faire” (The parish church of the town has an organ that is the finest and most exquisite that I have ever seen. There is no instrument[al sound] in the world that this does not play, for they are all contained therein; it cost more than 10,000 francs to be made).[57] This was not, however, the same instrument that had been built under Hofhaimer’s supervision in 1491-2, for a new organ had been installed by Wolfgang Reichenauer in 1497-8: on 6 March 1498 payment was made to: “Wolfgangen Reychenauern, Orglmacher, so die neu Orgl zu Ynnsprugg macht”.[58] Renovations and replacements of the organ continued in later years, garnering praise from another visitor to Innsbruck in 1517. That year, the secretary to Cardinal Luigi of Aragon, Antonio de Beatis, remarked: „In der Hauptkirche steht eine wunderschöne Orgel “nicht besonders groß, aber mit vielen Registern und vorzüglichen Stimmen … ein wahrhaft liebliches und sinnreiches Werk, wie wir in solcher Vollkommenheit auf der ganzen Reise keines mehr gesehen haben” (In the main church there is a wonderful organ that is not particularly big but has many registers and exquisite voices – a truly charming and ingenious device, the perfection of which we did not encounter anywhere else on our journey).[59]
Not only the fine organ of St Jacob’s impressed Lalaing: Maximilian’s chapel choir was also in Innsbruck for Philip’s visit. On 1 October he reported having heard a Mass “à la grande église, chantée des chantres du roy” (at the great church [i.e. St Jacob’s], sung by the king’s singers).[60] However, Maximilian’s singers were not the only individuals whom Lalaing heard sing in Innsbruck, for the chapel of the Burgundian court had joined their Duke on his travels to Austria. On 15 September, Philip’s choir had sung in the parish church in Hall, for a Mass attended by Philip, Maximilian and nobility of both their courts: “Le venredi ouyrent la messe ensamble, avec grande noblesse d’Allemaigne et des pays de Monseigneur, à la grande église de Halle, laquèle chantèrent les chantres de Monseigneur” (On Friday they heard Mass together, with the high nobility from Germany and his Lordship’s lands, in the great church of Hall, sung by the singers of his Lordship [i.e. Philip]).[61] Then, on 21 September, this was repeated: “Le joedi … le roy et Monseigneur, acompaigniés de grands maistres et de nobles, oyrent la messe à la grande église de Halle, chantée par les chantres de Monseigneur.”[62] The list of 22 chapel members prepared before Philip’s departure for his travels, on 1 November 1501, included twelve chaplains (with the organist, Henry Bredemers) under the leadership of the first chaplain and his deputy.[63]
It was, however, the performances of Philip’s and Maximilian’s choirs together which appear to have been particularly remarkable. On 17 September, Maximilian and Philip heard Mass at the church of St Jacob, sung by both the royal choir and that of the visiting duke (“les chantres du roy et de Monseigneur chantèrent la messe”) and accompanied by the organ in all its registers (“et jouèrent les orghes plaines de tous instrumens”) – a performance that Lalaing deemed “la plus mélodieuse chose que l’on pourroit oyr” (the most melodious thing that could be heard).[64] A similarly impressive performance followed just over a week later. On 25 September, Maximilian, Bianca Maria and Philip were again in St Jacob’s for the memorial service for Hermes Maria Sforza, a brother of the queen. The following day they returned to the church, whereupon two Masses were sung: the first, a Requiem, by Philip’s choir (“les chantres de Monsigneur”) and the second, “de l’Assumption Nostre-Dame” sung by the King’s choir (“les chantres du roy”). On this occasion the performance was further enhanced by the use of the king’s trombonists who began the Gradual and played the Deo gratias and Ite missa est while Philip’s choir sang the Offertory (“Et comenchèrent le Grade les sacqueboutes du roy, et jouèrent le Deo gratias et Ite missa est, et les chantres de Monseigneur chantèrent l’Offertoire”).[65] It is possible that the famous composer Jacob Obrecht was present at the event (see » G. Jacob Obrecht).
As with the performance for the wedding celebrations of March 1494, it is not clear how many trombonists played on this occasion, or who, indeed, these were. Maximilian seems to have had a number in his service at that time: in 1503, the Augsburg council made payment to “ko.Mt. busaner Jobsten Nagel” and “ko. Mt. busanern iro fünffen” (his royal majesty’s five trombonists) and the following year, listed “Jörigen Holland, Jorigen Eyselin, Hannsen Stewdlin vnd Vlrich Vellen, kö. Mayt. Busanern” as well as “kö. Mayt. busanern Enndressen vnd Jorigen Nagel”.[66] Additionally, a 1503 entry in Maximilian’s Gedenkbuch is indicative of the trombonist Hans Neuschel’s presence in Innsbruck (here identified as ‘ Hans Meüschel’): “Wir haben vnnserm Pusauner Hannsen Meüschel haimtzuziehen erlaubt” (We have allowed our trombonist, Hans Meuschel, to return home).[67] Augustin Schubinger, mentioned earlier, was by that time in Philip’s employ, and from around 1500 had seemingly made the cornetto, rather than the trombone, his instrument of choice. Schubinger was known to have performed together with Philip’s choir in this capacity and he may in fact have done so during this 1503 visit to Innsbruck. He certainly accompanied Philip on this European tour: when the Duke visited the court of Ferdinand and Isabella in Toledo in May 1502, then that of his sister Margaret and Philibert of Savoy in April 1503, Lalaing wrote of the choir’s performances at the two courts, noting the brilliance of Augustin’s playing.[68]
[57] Gachard 1876, 310.
[58] Senn 1954, 39-40, also regarding the subsequent repair of the organ by Balthasar Streng in 1502.
[60] Gachard 1876, 319.
[61] Gachard 1876, 311.
[62] Gachard 1876, 315.
[63] Meconi 2003, 62.
[64] Gachard 1876, 313.
[65] Gachard 1876, 316–317.
[66] D-Asa (Stadtarchiv Augsburg), Baumeisterbücher Nr. 97 (1503), fol. 28r and Nr. 98 (1504), fol. 26r-v.
[67] Wessely 1956, 111.
[68] Meconi 2003, 35. See » I. Instrumentalkünstler; » G. Augustin Schubinger.
[1] Maximilian was elected King of the Romans in 1486. He succeeded his father, Friedrich III, as head of the House of Habsburg in 1493, but only received the title of Emperor in 1508. For clarity, he will be referred to here as king. At this time, Upper Austria (“Oberösterreich”) comprised Tyrol, parts of the Upper Rhine, East Swabia, Alsace and the Vorlande at the east end of Lake Constance: see Benecke 1982, 35; Wiesflecker-Friedhuber 1996, 131f.
[2] Benecke 1982, pp. 35-6; Wiesflecker-Friedhuber 2005, 126f.
[3] „…ihn herrlich empfienge, und unter andern Kurzweilen, zu den Tyrolischen Fundgruben führte“. Birken 1668, 1012.
[4] See, for example, Drexel 2001, 603; Höpfel 1989, 20.
[5] “Deren Gewerkleute, an der zahl 7400, unter fliegendem Fahn in schöner ordnung, ihnen entgegen kamen, und nach des Erzherzogen befehl, vor dem Röm. König sich auf die kniehe warfen.” Birken 1668, 1012f.
[6] “Sie brachten ihm auch Geschenke, etliche güldene Schüsseln voll Rheinischer Goldgulden, und ungearbeitetes Silber bey 100 Pfunde. Es kamen auch Venedische Gesandten, die ihn, mit Widergabe etlicher dem Erzhaus vordessen abgenommenen Plätze, zu versöhnen begehrten: weil sie vernommen hatten, daß sie ihn forthin zum Nachbarn haben würden.“ Birken 1668, 1012f.
[7] “Rhætica dum tellus vult se summittere Summo Æmilio, fossor prævius ecce venit. Aurea, se talem tali probat, illa, ministro: hinc auro plenas obtulit iste manûs.” Birken 1668, 1013. I would like to thank Alison Samuels for the translation of this epigram and James Robson for further advice about its meaning.
[8] “Tyrol sein Bergleut-Heer dem Helden schickt entgegen, itzt da es selbst sich will zu dessen füssen legen. Es heiset ihn willkomm durch Gold in ihrer Hand: Weil es, durch ihren Fleis, sich weist ein güldnes Land.” Birken 1668, 1012.
[9] “Aber Erzh. Sigmund, der nun ein hohes Alter auf sich, und keinen Leibs Erben mehr zuhoffen hatte, auch zu den Regirungssorgen verdrossen war, beschickte seine Landstände nach Insbruck, sprache sie ledig von ihrer Eidspflicht, und hiesse sie dem Röm. König, als ihrem angehenden Landsfürsten, schwören, den er, in ihrer gegenwart, an Sohns stat aufnahme, ihm alle von Vatter ererbte Länder abtratte und übergabe…” Birken 1668, 1013.
[10] Wiesflecker-Friedhuber 2005, 128. See also Jäger 1874.
[11] Drexel 2001, 602-3; Senn 1954, 1-2.
[12] For the Mitterhof, see » Leitbild F. with commentary. Further details of Maximilian’s relationship with Innsbruck are in Senn 1954, 19; Fritz 1968; Cuyler 1973; Benecke 1982; Wiesflecker-Friedhuber 1996 and 2005.
[13] Felix Faber (1923, 33): “In dieselbe [Innsbruck] eingetreten, fanden wir sie voll von Adeligen und Bewaffneten. Fürsten, Grafen und Barone waren zum Erzherzog gekommen, denn gerade feierte der Landesfürst mit der Tochter des Sachsenherzogs Hochzeit; zu dieser Feier war der Adel aus ganz Deutschland zusammengeströmt.”
[17] A tun of wine was awarded to the organist in January 1498: see Wiesflecker 1993, 269 (no. 5756).
[18] Wiesflecker 1993, p. 222 (no. 5364).
[19] Busch-Salmen 1992, pp. 64f.; Schuler 1995, 13.
[20] See also » I. The court chapel of Maximilian I.
[22] The Triumphzug was never completed, and its woodcut images therefore include a number of empty banners, which were to contain phrases introducing many of the personnel presented. However, the intended content of the plaques can be reconstructed from the initial manuscript programme for the images, which was dictated by Maximilian himself and refers to several musicians by name.
[24] For example, the Augsburg civic accounts of 1490 include payment of: “4 fl. des kunigs zwayen luttenschlager, Artus vnd Lenhart”. D-Asa (Stadtarchiv Augsburg), Baumeisterbücher Nr. 84 (1490), fol. 17r.
[28] Wiesflecker 1971-1986, vol. 5, 401-2.
[29] Weiss 2010, 56.
[30] Hochrinner 1966, 33-39.
[31] Archivio di Stato di Modena est disp amb germ, busta 1, undated letter, recto. A summary of the letter is presented in Regesta Imperii Online XIV,1 n. 2877: (accessed 01.11.2019).
[32] Archivio di Stato di Modena est disp amb germ, busta 1, undated letter, verso. A summary of the letter is presented in Regesta Imperii Online XIV,1 n. 2877: (accessed 01.11.2019). Dances at Maximilian’s court will be discussed further in » I. Civic and courtly dancing.
[33] “parte in ballare e parte in videre zugare la prefata Domina Archiducesa con alchuni altri Signori et cavaleri de li suoi et de li nostri. E queste feste qualchi volta sono facte in publico, et qualchi volta privatamente ne la camera nostra.” Calvi 1888, 48.
[34] Tiroler Landesarchiv Innsbruck (A-Ila), Maximiliana XIV/1493, fol. 103. Summary in Regesta Imperii Online,
RI XIV,1 n. 2878: (accessed 01.11.2019).
[35] Quoted in: Köfler and Caramelle 1982, 208.
[37] Regesta Imperii XIV Nr. 25967: Archivio di Stato di Mantova, Agonz, E/II/2, busta 429, Nr 6.
[38] Waldner 1897/98, 11.
[39] Waldner 1897/98, 14.
[41] Hochrinner 1966, 44.
[42] Pandolfo Collenuccio, Innsbruck, to Ercole d’Este, 18 March 1494: Archivio di Stato di Modena dis amb germ, busta 1, recto. Summary of the letter in: Regesta Imperii Online, RI XIV,1 n. 478: See also Wiesflecker Bd. I, 368.
[43] This was Perkin Warbeck, pretender to the English throne, who claimed to be Richard, Duke of York, the missing second son of Edward IV.
[44] See Green 2012; Grassl 2019.
[46] Quoted in Meconi 2003, 27.
[47] Further on Maximilian’s chapel singers, see » I. The court chapel of Maximilian I.
[48] Waldner 1897/98, 20-21.
[49] Senn 1954, 39–44; See also Waldner 1897/98, 33–34.
[53] D-Asa (Stadtarchiv Augsburg), Baumeisterbücher Nr. 101 (1507), fol. 24v and Nr. 102 (1508), fol. 24v.
[55] Indeed, from 1516 until 1521, the two young princesses Anna of Hungary and Maria of Austria were resident at the Innsbruck palace and had several musicians in their employ. See Waldner 1897/98, 59 and Senn 1954, 46–47.
[56] Gachard 1876, 309.
[57] Gachard 1876, 310.
[58] Senn 1954, 39-40, also regarding the subsequent repair of the organ by Balthasar Streng in 1502.
[60] Gachard 1876, 319.
[61] Gachard 1876, 311.
[62] Gachard 1876, 315.
[63] Meconi 2003, 62.
[64] Gachard 1876, 313.
[65] Gachard 1876, 316–317.
[66] D-Asa (Stadtarchiv Augsburg), Baumeisterbücher Nr. 97 (1503), fol. 28r and Nr. 98 (1504), fol. 26r-v.
[67] Wessely 1956, 111.
[68] Meconi 2003, 35. See » I. Instrumentalkünstler; » G. Augustin Schubinger.
[69] Gachard 1876, 314.
[70] Gachard 1876, 320.
[71] Sanuto’s diaries are published in Barozzi 1880.
[72] Barozzi 1880, column 217.
[73] Barozzi 1880, column 216.
[74] Barozzi 1880, column 215.
[75] According to Benecke 1982, 94, Maximilian visited Innsbruck 22 times between 1498 and 1518.
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Helen Coffey: “Music and ceremony in Maximilian’s Innsbruck”, in: Musikleben des Spätmittelalters in der Region Österreich <> (2019).