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Fallows, David.Specific Information on the Ensembles for Composed Polyphony, 1400-1474”, in: Studies in the Performance of Late Mediaeval Music, hrsg. von Stanley Boorman. Cambridge 1983: 109-159.
Fallows, David.The Performing Ensembles in Josquin's Sacred Music”, in: Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis 35 (1985): 32-64.
Fallows, David (Hrsg.). Secular Polyphony 1380-1480 (Musica Britannica 97). London 2014.
Fallows, David. Art. „Binchois [Binchoys], Gilles de Bins [Binch, Binche] dit.”, in: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 2. Aufl. Bd. 2. London 2001: 709-722.
Fallows, David. Dufay (The master musicians). London 1982.
Fallows, David. A Catalogue of Polyphonic Songs. 1415–1480. Oxford 1999.
Fallows, David.Songs in the Trent Codices: an Optimistic Handlist”, in: I codici musicali trentini a cento anni dalla loro riscoperta. Atti del convegno Laurence Feiniger. La musicologia come missione. Trento. Castello del Buonconsiglio 6-7 settembre 1985, hrsg. von Nino Pirrotta und Danilo Curti. Trento 1986: 170-179.
Fallows, David. Dufay (The master musicians). 2. Aufl. London u. a. 1987.
Fallows, David.Ockeghem as a Song Composer: Hints towards a Chronology”, in: Johannes Ockeghem. Actes du XLe Colloque international d'études humanistes, hrsg. von Philippe Vendrix. Paris 1998: 301-316.
Fallows, David. Art. „III. Mehrstimmige Ballade des Mittelalters.”, in: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Sachteil. 2. Aufl. Bd. 1. Kassel u. a. 1998: 1129-1134.
Fallows, David, und Stanley Boorman.Specific Information on the Ensembles for Composed Polyphony, 1400–1474”, in: Studies in the Performance of Late Medieval Music. Cambridge 1983.