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Wright, Peter.On the origins of Trent 87-I and 92-II”, in: Early Music History 6 (1986): 245-270.
Wright, Peter.The compilation of Trent 87-I and 92-II”, in: Early Music History 2 (1982): 237-271.
Wright, Peter. The Related Parts of Trent, Museo Provinciale d’Arte, MSS 87 (1374) and 92 (1379): A Paleographical and Text-critical Study (Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities). New York 1989.
Wright, Peter.Polyphony for Corpus Christi in an Unknown Fragmentary Source from Mid-Fifteenth-Century Central Europe. An Interim Report”, in: Uno gentile et subtile ingenio. Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Bonnie J. Blackburn, hrsg. von Jennifer M. Bloxam, Gioia Filocamo und Leofranc Holford-Strevens. Turnhout 2009: 271-282.
Wright, Peter.Watermarks and Musicology: the Genesis of Johannes Wiser’s Collection”, in: Early Music History 22 (2003): 247-332.
Wright, Peter.The Contribution and Identity of Scribe D of the ,St Emmeram Codex’”, in: Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Festschrift Klaus-Jürgen Sachs zum 80. Geburtstag, hrsg. von Rainer Kleinertz, Christoph Flamm und Wolf Frobenius. Hildesheim u.a. 2010: 283-316.
Wright, Peter. Art. „Wiser, Johannes.”, in: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personenteil. 2. Aufl. Bd. 17. Kassel u.a. 2007: 1040-1041.
Wright, Peter.Trent 87 and 92. Questions of Origin, Repertory and Physical Make–Up”, in: Music and culture in the age of the Council of Basel, hrsg. von Matteo Nanni. Turnhout 2013: 111-134.
Wright, Peter.The Vienna Corpus Christi Fragment: A Fifteenth-Century Partbook”, in: Hudební Veda 53 (2016): 333-364.
Wright, Peter.Johannes Wiser's Paper and the Copying of His Manuscripts”, in: I codici musicali Trentini. Nuove scoperte e nuovi orientamenti della ricerca. Atti del Convegno Internazionale "The Trent Codices: New Findings and New Directions". Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 24 settembre 1994, hrsg. von Peter Wright. Trento 1996: 31-53.
Wright, Peter.Johannes Brassart and Johannes de Sarto”, in: Plainsong and Medieval Music 1, no. 1 (1992): 41-61.