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Simon, Eckehard. Die Anfänge des weltlichen deutschen Schauspiels 1370 - 1530. Untersuchung und Dokumentation (Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters 124). Tübingen 2003.
Simon, Eckehard.Neidhart Plays as Shrovetide Plays. Twelve additional documented Performances”, in: The Germanic Review 52 (1977): 87-98.
Simon, Eckehard. Neidhart von Reuental (Twayne's world authors series 364: Germany). Boston, Mass 1975.
Simon, Eckehard.The Origin of Neidhart Plays: A Reappraisal”, in: The journal of English and Germanic philology 67 (1968): 458-474.
Simon, Eckehard.The Staging of Neidhart Plays. With Notes on Six Documented Performances”, in: The Germanic Review 44 (1969): 5-20.