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van Benthem, Jaap.Die Saganer Stimmbücher (Das Glogauer Liederbuch): eine unbeachtete Quelle für Johannes Tourout?”, in: The Musical Culture of Silesia before 1742. New Contexts – New Perspectives, hrsg. von Paweł u.a. Gancarczyk. Frankfurt am Main u.a. 2013a: 71-82.
van Benthem, Jaap.Forced into exiles: the problematic transformation of the Goddess Fortuna into a 'Gentil madonna' (and something of a gloss on the disfigured countenance of 'Rosa bella')”, in: Early Music 37, no. 2 (2009): 287−298.
van Benthem, Jaap. Missa Mon oeil − Missa Gross sehnen ich im Herzen trage (Johannes Tourout. Ascribed and attributable compositions in 15th-century sources from Central Europe 1). Utrecht 2015.
van Benthem, Jaap.Rescued by Transplantation. An unorthodox approach to 'lost' chansons by Johannes Tourout in polyphonic sources from Bohemia”, in: Hudební věda 50 (2013b): 221-238.