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2 Ergebnisse gefunden
Filterkriterien: Autor is Helen Coffey [Alle Filter deaktivieren]
Stadtpfeifer and Varende Lewte: Secular Musical Patronage in the Imperial Cities of Germany during the Reign of Maximilian I (1486–1519. D. Phil dissertation University of Oxford 2006. Helen Coffey, Stadtpfeifer and Varende Lewte: Secular Musical Patronage in the Imperial Cities of Germany during the Reign of Maximilian I (1486–1519) , unpubl. D.Phil. Dissertation University of Oxford, 2006.
City life and music for secular entertainment during the reign of Maximilian I”, in: Cultural Histories of Noise, Sound and Listening in Europe, 1300–1918, hrsg. von Ian Biddle und Kirsten Gibson. London 2017: 171-185.